Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello Web 2.0

Growing up, I have always been fascinated with technology such as video games, toys, television, and computers. Every time technology advanced, I thought "how could it get any better than this" but developers always found something new and exciting. When the internet became available to everyday citizens many people were afraid of it but I loved it. So again I thought “How could this get any better?" A change occurred that seemed so fast that I didn't know it even happened. I saw it but didn't realize what I was looking at. This change was my introduction to Web 2.0. Before I began this class, I knew the internet had gotten bigger and more advanced, but I thought it was the same internet and didn't know there was a difference; a so called "Web 1.0". To me it was just known as the web that let me play limited games, and fewer graphics and colors, was real choppy, but allowed me to find information to get the job done. The Web as I knew it was read only. That is when Web 2.0 came in. Web 2.0 allowed for more interaction and established a give and take relationship between me and him (the internet).

Web 2.0 brought with it better colors, more sleek and unique styles, more round in designed and less choppy, and worlds of technology. There are the wikkis, podcast, vlogs, blogs and instruments such as Google docs. They allow you to collaborate with other users in the construction of information or an outlet to express your knowledge, beliefs or rants. Web 2.0 even changed the scope of education, by allowing learning through web classes, downloadable lectures through iTunes-U, and course material that are accessible through cell phones and PDAs. You can upload videos for entertainment, to show your family how you are doing in Iraq, broadcast important news or get reacquainted with your favorite childhood TV shows. How about pulling up Google maps and sending it to a friend to show them how to actually get to Sesame Street.

Web 2.0 gained millions and Friends and Fans (for entertainers) through its biggest craze called social networking. Through the many social sites like Facebook, Friendster, Myspace and Twitter, millions of people are connected around the globe. They set up their personal spaces, which others can view, comment, connect, and collaborate with them. I love to read there funny or inspirational quotes in their statuses. I cannot forget to mention games like Farmville and Uno brought to you by widgets that get many people through those boring workdays. If you don’t believe it, just send me a instant message, and I will message you back a funny emoticon.

When I met Web 2.0 he opened me up to a world of wide web possibility with much more than I have time to mention. So here's to Youtube Web 2.0! Thank you for your advancements.

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