Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why Do We Loaf…Socially I mean

Throughout life we will often encounter task that require us to work in teams. Team oriented task occur through school, work and extracurricular activities. Team work requires the attention and hard work of all its members in order to construct the best product possible. This type of collaboration is designed to garner the input of others, but as time has proven, not all will submit to working together. Some individuals would rather work alone, and resent teamwork so much, that when instructed to do so they often commence to social loafing.

Social loafing is the behavior in which an individual tends to exert less effort when working with others, than when they work alone. Social loafing usually causes the group to be less productive than the outcome of its members working individually. There are a number of reasons why people tend to social loaf. It all boils down to how everyone feels about their group members. Sometimes there is a bond or sense of friendship that does not exist with all members of the group. This could make some feel like an outcast and makes them less likely to participate. Some shy away from the group because they feel as if their input isn’t valued. There are even those who feel that there isn’t a sense of fairness in the group. If a group is not focused with clear cut goals, individuals may social loaf for feeling that the group is not productive and unfocused.

Social loafing is a big issue in regards to group work and it is important to take the necessary efforts to prevent it from happening. Consider different methods to get things going in the right direction. Use collaboration as a way to get everyone involved in the group by assigning meaningful tasks. They will feel obligated to work harder and have a sense of purpose. Set clear goals that the group agrees on and celebrate these goals to gain a since of fulfillment. It also raises morale in the group. Allow team members the opportunity to have a choice of different task to be completed. Giving team members the freedom to choose creates a system in which social loafing is unlikely to occur, and encourages the members to work together as a team.

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