Sunday, May 2, 2010

Go Go Virtual Team

Web 2.0 City Slickers is the name and fighting Social Loafing is the game. In our Final assault, for BITE 5389: Web 2.0 & Virtual Teams, we were given the task of working as a Virtual team on Multicultural Virtual Teams. We were to collectively construct a report amongst ourselves on best practices for managing multicultural teams and ways to prevent social loafing. The paper had to read as if one individual wrote it, but contained the work of 3-4 team members who use Web 2.0 tools to collaborate.

To begin our conquest, we as a team, had to develop a Team Work Plan that would operate as our guidelines for conducting team work. The team work plan included everything from our contact information, team beliefs, values, methods for diffusing disagreements, our strengths, weakness, and a timeline for getting information in.

Secondly, we each went out into the educational world to find previous studies on managing Multicultural Virtual Teams and Social Loafing. We used information gathered from the studies we found as the foundation for creating our paper. Google Docs became our block of Legos. We had all the necessary pieces; we just needed to build them up together. At the same time, we had applied the very principles of managing virtual teams for our team to operate.

After the final report was complete, we were given a team assessment to identify who social loafed, while the other members fought the hard battle. Web 2.0 City Slickers did not have this problem. Everyone pulled their own weight and some even worked extra hard. There was no social loafing there. Our team accomplished what we set out to do, create a paper that was substantial in information in regards to managing virtual teams. And we accomplish it virtually.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why Do We Loaf…Socially I mean

Throughout life we will often encounter task that require us to work in teams. Team oriented task occur through school, work and extracurricular activities. Team work requires the attention and hard work of all its members in order to construct the best product possible. This type of collaboration is designed to garner the input of others, but as time has proven, not all will submit to working together. Some individuals would rather work alone, and resent teamwork so much, that when instructed to do so they often commence to social loafing.

Social loafing is the behavior in which an individual tends to exert less effort when working with others, than when they work alone. Social loafing usually causes the group to be less productive than the outcome of its members working individually. There are a number of reasons why people tend to social loaf. It all boils down to how everyone feels about their group members. Sometimes there is a bond or sense of friendship that does not exist with all members of the group. This could make some feel like an outcast and makes them less likely to participate. Some shy away from the group because they feel as if their input isn’t valued. There are even those who feel that there isn’t a sense of fairness in the group. If a group is not focused with clear cut goals, individuals may social loaf for feeling that the group is not productive and unfocused.

Social loafing is a big issue in regards to group work and it is important to take the necessary efforts to prevent it from happening. Consider different methods to get things going in the right direction. Use collaboration as a way to get everyone involved in the group by assigning meaningful tasks. They will feel obligated to work harder and have a sense of purpose. Set clear goals that the group agrees on and celebrate these goals to gain a since of fulfillment. It also raises morale in the group. Allow team members the opportunity to have a choice of different task to be completed. Giving team members the freedom to choose creates a system in which social loafing is unlikely to occur, and encourages the members to work together as a team.

Create A Second Life

Web 2.0 has many different forms of communication, interaction, and information sharing. In most of the applications and tools, you simply create a profile complete with user name and avatar picture. As Web 2.0 continues to evolve, the way in which we search the web and interact with each other is changing. With a profile on a social networking site you’re a still you. Well Second Life has taken that a step further by actually letting you create a second you.

Second Life is not only a Web 2.0 application; it is also a virtual world accessible through the internet. To partake in the virtual worldly fun, you sign up for an account, create a controllable avatar, and become a resident of Second Life for free. You are able to make your avatar look just like you, or make it a visual representation of whatever you want to be. As a residents you can explore to find many objects, create objects, meet other residents and socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services. The Second Life world is three dimensional and pretty big, so learn how to control your avatar by walking, running, or even flying. Purchase virtual clothes and other objects as well. You can even go on a virtual date.

Second Life also serves an educational or business purpose. Some educational institutions use second life as a means of holding distance education discussions or classes. Some educational institutions have even created a play ground or a virtual representation of the actually school that students can go to find important information while they are in the Second Life world. This tool brings a new element to distance education and can be a great tool to use for virtual team projects.

Second Life is said to be the beginning of Web 3.0 and where we are headed as far as surfing the web and social networking. The World Wide Web actually becomes a world where we can go to. This world even has its own currency (Linden Dollar). I would suggest giving birth to the virtual you and find out what it’s all about. It’s not every day you get a Second Life….Or maybe you do.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The SkypePhone

In the earlier weeks of my blogging adventures, I explained the Web 2.0 Technology Skype. I talked about how Skype is a great way to talk to people for free over long distances through chatting. It allows you to collaborate and share files, and the conduct video chats with it. These functions are normally performed on desktops and laptops, but of course you knew it would make its way to smart phones and PDAs. Well I just wanted to take this time, to present Skype as a cell phone application and something wonderful being speculated for the future.

Some of you may know that on March 25th Verizon customers with a smartphone and a data plan were able to download Skype Mobile. Even before this event, Skype was already available on other carriers and devices such as the iPhone. On that date it was made exclusive to Verizon, so those who possessed Skype on non Verizon phones would no longer receive updates. Skype Mobile pretty much functions the same and is sometimes easier to use on the phone. Skype mobile allows you to:

• Make and receive unlimited Skype-to-Skype voice calls to anyone else on
Skype around the globe

• Send and receive unlimited instant messages with other people on Skype

• Call international phone numbers at our low rates

It’s basically Skype on the go. If your connected on your computer and have to leave but want to continue your Skype conversation, just load it up on your phone and keep moving. This application saves you money from text message charges, no usage of call minutes, and that low international call rates. I know you may be a little upset because there is no video chat; at least for now there isn’t. Skype video chat is expected to be available with 4th Generation iPhone and iPhone 4G (still works in progress), along with other Android based phones. Companies are working on creating a forward facing camera to make this possible. So, in due time, you will be able to see the people your calling on your cell phone which is just Fantastic!!!! So Skype is becoming one of those Web 2.0 Technologies that’s not just stationery, it goes where you go.

Congratulations! It’s a Podcast!

My last Blog entry consisted of a video of what many call “Podcast”. Instead of telling you about the information on the video, I posted it to my blog as an entry. By now, if you have an iPod, mp3 player, computer, or any other device with download and listen capabilities, you probably have subscribed to a Podcast. For those newbies, let me explain what a Podcast is.

Podcast are generally a series of audio or video files that are released in weekly episodes. These episodes can either be downloaded or viewed via the internet. The common purpose of a podcast is to convey to its viewers and listeners issues that the creator passionately cares about, increase business, or just be heard. Podcasting is another platform for you to use your voice and reach the masses.

This being my first podcast I don’t think I will reach many people. In fact, it was conducted as a class experiment for me to become familiar with the tool by using it to give my opinion of Web 2.0 terms; Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. It also gave me the opportunity to play with different sounds, try to find a common theme or sound, and have a little fun while still being informative. My experience with creating the Podcast was pleasurable. All you need is a platform for syndication to upload your weekly podcast, audio recording and editing software, and a message. Charisma also adds to the flavor of your podcast. So don’t just be a follower, find a message and have a little Podcast of your own

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Education is in the Palm of Your Hand

Education opens those who are willing to learn, up to worlds of knowledge. Everything from Chemistry to the Philosophical teachings of Socrates, can be learned at the many colleges and universities scattered across the globe. There was a point in time where education only took place within a classroom or auditorium in the traditional form of teaching. Web 2.0, later introduced us to virtual and distance learning through schools, like the University of Phoenix on-line. Apple, once the most popular computer brand in schools, took learning a step further with iTunes. Since pretty much everyone has some sort of access to iTunes whether its through a phone or iPod, worlds of information is at their fingertips. They created a form of education institution called, iTunes-U.

iTunes-U is a site in the iTunes store where anyone can go a download educational material and coursework to be viewed leisurely through there handheld device or computer. Educators and lectures create podcast of class lesson, speeches, guest speakers, how to guides, and many other educational materials for students to explore and download. iTunes U even has subjects such as guitar lessons or how to read guides for other users.

Many schools and universities have jumped aboard the iTunes-U train, because they recognize the possibilities that it posses. There are podcast an lessons from topnotch schools through the world available on iTunes-U. These schools even have their own iTunes-U pages that allow for there students to easily navigate to material that has been made available for download. This list includes Duke University, Stanford University, UC Berkley, Texas A&M, and Harvard University just to name a few. The material that is included is free and available to everyone. So students are allowed to gain knowledge from some of the top Professors around.

If you feel like learning, don’t hesitate to visit iTunes-U. You never know what type of information, video, or podcast your will find there. iPods’ and iPhones’ can be used for way more than just entertainment purposes. Remember its greater to learn for knowledge is power!

Digital Natives Digital Immigrants Podcast

Downoad 3rd Generation E Podcast at: Generation E Podcast Ep

Friday, March 26, 2010

How Cool is A Threadless Shirt!

Have you ever heard of a Threadless Shirt? It’s quite possible to obtain and I’ll show you how. You just simply go to find that awesome T-shirt you just have to have and order as many as you want. No worries, the T-shirts actually come with threads; Threadless is the name of the website and company. I learned about this company through our past class assignment in BITE 5389, where we learned about and examined and created a t-shirt design incorporating Web 2.0 technology.

Threadless is an online apparel store that is also like a social network or a community. Members of are allowed to submitted original t-shirt designs, where they can be displayed for the public to vote on the best shirt. After voting commences, the winning design is printed and sold in the online store on Winners of the designed t-shirt can get paid up to $2,500 and $500 for each reprint. They also receive store credit as well. Threadless also has a retail store in Chicago, IL. In the store they sell most of the shirts you see online and change every Friday. The store also includes an upstairs gallery were people can take design classes.

Threadless offers a lot of unique shirts and designs created by unique individuals like you. So if you have a design for t-shirt design that you know is arctic cool, then join the community, create the design, and submit it. What do you have to lose…exploring a hidden talent, getting your idea out to many people, and making money? Just go for it, or buy some cool shirts that you know your buddies won’t have. Threadless is a t-shirt collector’s and wearer’s paradise, so go Threadless.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Get Your Skype Today !!!!

Who needs a phone anymore? You have internet don’t you. Well just logon to one of the many different Web 2.0 applications that allow you to interact with people directly. Why not just use Skype? What is Skype you ask? Skype is only the most popular way to text chat and make long distance phone calls…..Over the Internet! Let me explain.

Skype is a software application that allows users to communicate by calling through voice or video over the internet. Users can also communicate through Skype’s instant messenger service. Skype’s service is free to users who also have Skype accounts, but calls to landline phones and cell phones are allowed for a small price. Skype gives users the ability to collaborate, with its feature to file share/ transfer.

Don’t hesitate to get equipped with Skype! How do you use it you ask? It’s very simple. First you go to where you will see instructions for PC and MAC users. Simply follow the instructions by downloading the Skype software. Install the software to your computer. Create your own personal account with identifiable user name, password for security, and basic information. Load the application into the application folder on your computer and run it. There you go just that simple. And instantly you are given the ability to find friends and other Skype users all over the world. Voice Chat, Video Chat, Instant Message For Free. All calls are unlimited to 43 different countries. Or purchase Skype Credit (which offers great rates) to communicate with non Skype users as well.

So what are you waiting for? Download Skype for your computer for FREE…That’s Right! FREE! Today! Web Camera and Microphone are not included and Skype is not responsible for the graininess of video or the unattractiveness of some users’ voices. Use at your own risk.

Friday, February 26, 2010

YouTube is the New Mr. Miyagi

At a time where I felt lost in the world of technology, launched into a realm unlike the defined pastures I once knew. A nice simple world of cell phones that flipped open and the only additional features were pictures, text and ringtones. Classic video games became relics of the past and if you wanted some good old Soul Music, you needed a record player, a CD Walkman, or a MP3 player. Suddenly as the world turned I found myself in world full of hi-tech gadgetry. I was the lone Nokia surrounded by legions of iPhones and Blackberry’s. Eventually there came the time to where I had to choose a side; intrigued by the sleek look of the touch screened iPhone I became a member.

Even with the iPhone I still felt lost, as I saw how many others were doing with their phones. People around me were capturing video, creating ringtones, playing retro-videogames, all the while teasing me for being out of the loop. As I was beaten down and broken constantly because of my lack of knowledge, I stumbled upon a Web 2.0 Technology. This technology was called YouTube. YouTube began to teach me everything I needed to know and became my Master in the Art of iPhone technology. Through YouTube I learned the ins and outs of the iPhone becoming very fluent in its capabilities myself. YouTube became Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid and I was Daniel Sun.

YouTube in my opinion is one of the best education Web 2.0 tools. It’s not just for entertainment and it’s not just for finding the most popular videos. I have found YouTube to be the ultimate guide for tutorials and walkthroughs from how to make your great aunts special pot roast to How to clear that last level in Super Mario Brothers. There are videos showing how to solve those tough algebra equations or how to create web pages, using HTML. The rapid growth of YouTube is building ground for more and more tutorials on thousands of subjects whether educational or just for a hobby.

I personally have used YouTube to enhance the capabilities of my 2nd Generation iPhone through a process called Jailbreaking. This process once completed, opens the door to many more applications that are not specifically made through Apple, allows from more customization of your phone, and enhances the way in which you use it. You can even turn the iPhone into a game machine and play Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis games through importing ROMs and the gaming application. YouTube showed me how to create any ringtone I want without actually purchasing a ringtone through iTunes for the iPhone. It is 100% legal if you already purchased the music (I don’t condone pirating music, movies, software, etc.) YouTube got me up to date as far as the usage of my cell phone goes, as well as learning more about web design (HTML and CSS), video production tips, and Photoshop techniques. In that aspect, YouTube acted as Mr. Miyagi in teaching me the way of technology and web 2.0 and now I fit in.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Wiki for a Fan

By now, you may have noticed that anytime you Google a topic, word, name, or any subject, you will have a Wikipedia link pop up in your list of choices. Pretty much all there is to know about any subject will usually pop up in Wikipedia. If you ever want to know about the origin of baseball or the Actors in the movie "Avatar", look it up in Wikipedia. It is the knowledgeable and the die hard fans of movies, sports, science, math, history etc. who come together to put all this information together for those of us who endeavor to find out more. Wikis have become the premier go to guide for finding all your fan information needs. You ever want to know your favorite artist real name or birth date? Go to a wiki!

There are wikis completely dedicated to your favorite entertainment or educational loves. For instance, look at the Movie "Avatar", which is now one of the biggest movies of all time. Before the movie was released there was a bit of confusion by the name "Avatar" (James Cameron) and "Avatar: The Last Airbender". "Avatar" was a huge franchise and action animated series that is being made into a motion picture. At any rate the movies generally have the same overall name, but are completely different. For fans who want to know about these movies they could visit Avatar (Last Airbender) wiki or Avatar (James Cameron) wiki. Wikis help fans distinguish between 2 similar ideas that may seemingly be the same. These wikis are comprised of information gained overtime from die hard fans and even professionals. Fan wikis keep fans in the know and up to date on their favorite artist, movies, and tv shows. They also contain links to other wikis that provide information on a connected subject, person, and even themes. Wikis are very reliable when it comes to entertainment. That goes to show you that wikis aren’t just for educational use. They provide great insight to hobbies you may have and are great for "do it your self" exercises. It just depends on your focus and what you are looking for. It is safe to say that there is a wiki for every fan, if not, you can just create one.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Virtual Suicide?

I was searching the internet looking for interesting Web 2.0 technologies and came across an article that grasp my attention. The article is titled "Web. 2.0 Suicide Machine Offs Your Online Identity." I immediately opened the link to see what it was all about. Web 2.0 Suicide Machine is a tool that completely deletes your social networking identity from the networks you wish to be completely removed from. The question that many people would ask is why would I have a need for this? Can’t I just delete my account myself?

The internet is a very tricky entity. Once you put your information, picture, music, or anything on the internet, you become a part of it seemingly forever. The same is true for social networking sites. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to eradicate the web of those unwanted pictures that are floating around of you, or simply remove your name from popping up for social networking sites you are no longer apart of when you goggle. Sometimes just deleting your account won’t simply do the trick. That is where Web 2.0 Suicide Machine comes in. It complete erases any existence of you from social networking sites like Myspace or Linkedln.

Web 2.0 Suicide Machine takes on the role as a cyber hit man. It kills every single trace of you from the Social Networking Server you chose. In order to use the tool, you must transfer your login information over to and the web application and it does all the work, deleting you piece by piece. This process is permanent, so you should be absolutely certain you wish to not to use the social networking service again. If so you will have to recreate your entire existence from scratch, which can be a hassle.

Me personally, I don’t believe in suicide and love social networking. I do feel that this is a very useful tool for the socially dismissive who need it. For those who regret ever creating that profile, using this service would be the sure fire way to never have to worry about it again. Except for Facebook; according to the article, they block Web 2.0 Suicide Machines IP address. So, in that case you will have to go out the old fashion way which is natural and very slowly.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Joys of Microblogging

One would almost think that the traditional ways of communication are relics of the past. Conversations that were conducted using telephones and even email have been replaced using social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, and perhaps the most convenient of them all, Twitter. Twitter is a microbloggin site, a new form of communication in which users can describe their current status in short posts distributed by instant messages, mobile phones, email or the Web.

The simplistic, yet precise connivance of twitter is growing in popularity, and is expected to surpass that of even Facebook; Goliath of social networking sites, in the next five years. Twitter is a quick status based networking site, which keeps you connected with millions of people without the bells and whistles of traditional social networking. There are no friend requests, no tacky web pages saturated with unnecessary html layouts, and most importantly site updates that throw off the usefulness of the site.

With Twitter, you create a unique user id and the process begins. You just simply choose to follow whomever you like and vice versa, staying connected by current topics and status updates. You can post a status, view other statuses posted by people you follow, and repost these statuses using the re-tweet (RT) function that allow others to see it. Doing this alerts the person that you re-tweeted microbloggings, increasing your chances of gaining more followers. Twitter statuses can also be linked to you Facebook statuses as well, which is a plus. You can update in one spot.

Another insightful component about Twitter is its trending topic capability. This is noted by the # sign followed by any phrase or word that you want people to acknowledge. This serves as a vital tool in raising awareness about a wide range of topics such as Distance Education, iPhones in classrooms, State of the Union or the Haiti Relief efforts supported by people all over the world.

The same way blogs and wikis can be used to collaborate with other students in a non-traditional setting; Twitter can have somewhat of the same effect. It allows students to stay connected with each other on a 24-hour basis. Twitter tracks the changes and updates friends and followers make in the same manner as a wiki would. It’s a good way to exchange contact information or direct others to content deemed important for class projects. The same ideas that can be placed in a blog can be transmitted through a microblog, just in smaller doses but to a larger number of people.

Twitter serves a very good purpose and is used by everyone from celebrities to government officials. Its very easy to use and can benefit those who choose to use it wisely.

Websites Are Playing Dress Up

Fashion has always changed with time. There are many different styles of fashion that make those who wear them unique and attractive. Like everything else, the type of garments, clothing trends, and what is determined to be fashionable continues to evolve. The same can be said about the Internet and the overall outlook of websites that are created. Just like the change of our style of dressing, website designs have become more fashionable and designers have utilize the technology of Web 2.0 to outfit there projects into some new clothes.

Older webpages and websites consist of basic block-styled html, which at the time was considered outstanding. Looking back at the Web 1.0 designed webpages, you get the feeling of "how could I ever think this look good," the same way people say " I cant believe I used to dress like that." The design of the site can sometimes contain too much and was equivalently to the 80'2 big hair looks that many to try to hide as if it never existed. In today’s web design, it’s more about fonts and logos with the overall page consisting of a light and "easy on the eyes" look. The theme for Web 2.0 design is "less is more."

The great thing about Web 2.0 development is that it is easy to use and the desire to conform to search engine optimization prompts the need for "cleaner" code, quicker methods of performing traditional actions, and easier ways to store or share pages (Your Free Web 2.0 Manual). I get first hand experience by getting to play dress up with the many projects I am partaking in BITE 6700 Web Design and Maintenance. We construction many web design projects where we have to use html, css, xml, ajax, javascript, and other languages along with basic Web. 2.0 design principles. These are the basic write up codes that allow you to create the frames, alignment, and many other elements that make up a webpage. You want the website to look pleasant, organize and functional. Many banking, shopping, business, and personal sites are gearing toward the attractive colors, soft corners and contrast look that make current websites unique and sexy.

The look and design of websites can determine the over function of social networking sites, educational websites, electronic libraries, and many other Web 2.0 elements. So how your webpage is can determine how it is viewed. So accessorize the clothes you have been giving and make sure you dress your website or page up well.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello Web 2.0

Growing up, I have always been fascinated with technology such as video games, toys, television, and computers. Every time technology advanced, I thought "how could it get any better than this" but developers always found something new and exciting. When the internet became available to everyday citizens many people were afraid of it but I loved it. So again I thought “How could this get any better?" A change occurred that seemed so fast that I didn't know it even happened. I saw it but didn't realize what I was looking at. This change was my introduction to Web 2.0. Before I began this class, I knew the internet had gotten bigger and more advanced, but I thought it was the same internet and didn't know there was a difference; a so called "Web 1.0". To me it was just known as the web that let me play limited games, and fewer graphics and colors, was real choppy, but allowed me to find information to get the job done. The Web as I knew it was read only. That is when Web 2.0 came in. Web 2.0 allowed for more interaction and established a give and take relationship between me and him (the internet).

Web 2.0 brought with it better colors, more sleek and unique styles, more round in designed and less choppy, and worlds of technology. There are the wikkis, podcast, vlogs, blogs and instruments such as Google docs. They allow you to collaborate with other users in the construction of information or an outlet to express your knowledge, beliefs or rants. Web 2.0 even changed the scope of education, by allowing learning through web classes, downloadable lectures through iTunes-U, and course material that are accessible through cell phones and PDAs. You can upload videos for entertainment, to show your family how you are doing in Iraq, broadcast important news or get reacquainted with your favorite childhood TV shows. How about pulling up Google maps and sending it to a friend to show them how to actually get to Sesame Street.

Web 2.0 gained millions and Friends and Fans (for entertainers) through its biggest craze called social networking. Through the many social sites like Facebook, Friendster, Myspace and Twitter, millions of people are connected around the globe. They set up their personal spaces, which others can view, comment, connect, and collaborate with them. I love to read there funny or inspirational quotes in their statuses. I cannot forget to mention games like Farmville and Uno brought to you by widgets that get many people through those boring workdays. If you don’t believe it, just send me a instant message, and I will message you back a funny emoticon.

When I met Web 2.0 he opened me up to a world of wide web possibility with much more than I have time to mention. So here's to Youtube Web 2.0! Thank you for your advancements.